What is your role at Lumi.Media?
I am the latest addition to the Lumi Customer Success team. My role includes assisting our users with all things Lumi to ensure everything from Casting to Post Production runs seamlessly and can all be found in the one production hub. We strive for our users and their production to get the most out of our product that they can.
Why did you join Lumi.Media?
Being able to pair my love of TV with my career, it was a no-brainer. It was an amazing opportunity to work with such a unique product that can only grow and really assist creators everywhere.
What are the main challenges you see facing content-makers?
Ever-changing technology and the way, we, the viewers consume the content. Trying to engage viewers across multiple generations all using and consuming their content through different platforms.
What surprises people the most when they start using Lumi?
The functionality of Lumi and what it can do exactly. There are so many possibilities of what you can do within the platform. It really assists in simplifying all parts of the production process.
What is your favourite part of the job?
Being able to see a project go from just simply being casting cards to a full television show now on my screen. It really is fascinating to see.
When you aren’t working, what is one thing you love to do?
Whether I am at the beach or on a hike, I really enjoy spending time outdoors. When the weather is warm and the sun is shining, there is nothing better to do than get outside and soak it up.
What is something people would be surprised to find out about you?
Italian was my first language.
What is your mantra / favourite saying?
Start. Strive. Succeed.
What is the best career advice anyone has given you?
Learn from everything you do and be honest with yourself.
If you had a superpower what would it be and why?
I’d want to be able to fly. I mean, no more Sydney traffic. Who wouldn’t want that!