Lumi enables the producers on Emergency, an observational documentary, to concentrate on story capture and coverage. Lumi centralises story details from the field all the way through post, ensuring no vital story information slips through the communication cracks.
ReadMaking Their Mark
Lumi provided the Making Their Mark production team with a hub that was easily accessed, that gave both the highlights and details of the last shift’s editorial content, as well as any practical housekeeping that was useful to know or act upon.
ReadAustralia’s Got Talent
Lumi gave the Australia’s Got Talent production team the benefit of visual overview plus detail in one place. Information was available in real-time and could be accessed by anyone in the team, reducing duplication and rework.
ReadAustralian Survivor
Lumi provided the Australian Survivor production team with a platform for planning from day one through to execution in the field and collection of all data and records on the go. It also provided a central digital hub, bringing all the team’s information together in one place – even while working in different locations and in home/office scenarios.
Luxe Listings Sydney
Lumi provided the Luxe Listings Sydney production team with instant overviews across multiple moving pieces and enabled the team to hit the ground running.
Love Island – UK and Australia
Lumi provides immediate context and real-time information to Love Island – UK and Australia – production teams.
ReadA director’s perspective
Lumi provided immediate context and real-time information to every person in every role. Information was disseminated instantly and updated for everyone automatically.
ReadLumi for post-production
Lumi enabled the post-production team of “Making Their Mark” to focus on the creative process by providing one source of truth – in real-time, searchable, accurate, and complete.
ReadA producer’s perspective
Lumi enabled clear lines of communication between the editorial and production teams during the production of “Making Their Mark” by providing one source of truth – in real-time, searchable, accurate, and complete.
Lumi enabled to streamline workflow, reduce costs and increase productivity.
ReadBeyond Productions: Pooch Perfect USA
Lumi enabled Pooch Perfect to be made in a shortened timeframe with a reduced budget by providing one source of truth – in real-time, searchable, accurate, and complete.