Storing your organisation’s IP in the heads of a couple of overworked people is a bit like keeping your savings under the bed. It’s easily lost…not growing with interest. And it’s not leveraged by other members the team. This is the IP of your organisation. It’s critical. It should be banked. Easily accessed with one click. Forever. That’s centralisation.
ReadAustralian Survivor 2021
Shows like Survivor are hard to make. Producers get no second chances and it’s not just the cast who need to be on their game.
Karen Dewey, CEO, explains why shows like Survivor are so challenging to make, and how they test the producing team’s imagination, character insights, and forward-thinking.
ReadIt’s time to stop making do – and start doing more
Innovation in production can be slow but finding the sweet spot between fresh ideas and well-earned experience is where opportunity lies.
ReadHow personal tech is driving expectations at work
The more intuitive technology solves our problems at home, the more we wonder where it is while we are at work.
ReadBefore the whistle blows
The rise of sports docuseries is invigorating sports broadcasting, engaging audiences beyond sporting fixtures, attracting streamers, and activating fans.
ReadMoney can’t buy time but technology can
Content makers are looking for ways to keep up with the demand. Discover how smart technology can help cut through the ‘noise’ of typical content production. Collaborative Work Management software can cut through the distractions and help you take control of your next masterpiece.